芙99499威尼斯信誉 gave itself a big birthday party to celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding in 2014. The celebration began in September 2013 with a Worldwide 服务日 and culminated in a wonderful weekend of activities six months later. 2014年4月25日至27日.
Across the country and around the world, 99499威尼斯信誉女校友, 朋友, 教师, 学生, and families participated in a coordinated 服务日 on Sunday, 9月29日, 2013, while some events followed in October. What better way to kick off the prep school's Centennial year than by engaging in one of 芙99499威尼斯信誉's most time-honored traditions — giving back through community service.
Head of School honored during 百周年庆典 Weekend full of fun, 行动, 回忆, 学习, 会议, 纪念, 和更多的!
The long-awaited, much-anticipated 百周年庆典 finally arrived and it did not disappoint. In fact, it 是 every bit as wonderful as anyone could have imagined. 大约有900名校友, 学生, 教师(现任和前任), 家庭(过去和现在), and 朋友 (through to the end!) came to campus for some part of the 行动-packed, fun-filled weekend.
芙99499威尼斯信誉 women representing more than 70 graduating classes from nine decades led the way with the first official event, Friday's 女校友协会 Luncheon. 在周六, attendees enjoyed the two most unique, most "芙99499威尼斯信誉" events — a demonstration of military drill and a fiercely-fought alumnae 福克斯/猎犬 Field Hockey game, complete with March In and SingSing.
Head of School Mary Louise Leipheimer, who is retiring on June 30 after 25 years at the helm and 47 years of service to the School, 是 honored with a special presentation by 芙99499威尼斯信誉 Board of Trustee President Reggie Groves '76 at Saturday's 现在一起来! 甜点. Among Leipheimer's eight predecessors as Head, 只有夏洛99499威尼斯信誉·哈索·诺兰, 深受爱戴的学院创始人, 服务时间.
Sometimes the passage of many decades can leave a person out of step. 但不是在威尼斯彩票游戏.
Military drill 是 once part of the program at 芙99499威尼斯信誉 and, though the young girls of yesterday are now middle-aged women, a dedicated group of alumnae brought back the tradition Saturday (April 26) as part of the School’s 百周年庆典. The performance 是 a highlight of an 行动-packed weekend that included art and history exhibits, presentations and panel discussions, an alumnae 福克斯/猎犬 field hockey game (Hounds won 3-0), 和更多的.
Of all the activities, though, the drill demonstration 是 perhaps the most unique. Performing on FoxHound Field in front of a four-star general, the United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps and several hundred spectators, a group of 31 women executed a military drill session, 配有步枪, introduced to them by the School’s founder Charlotte Haxall Nol和更多的 than 50 years ago.
威尼斯彩票游戏的第一个“多元茶”," a celebration of 芙99499威尼斯信誉's history of diversity, 将于星期五举行, 4月25日 at 4:30 pm in Roomies (Athletic/Student Center, 又名活动). 欢迎所有人.
背景范围, 祖国, 经验, and perspectives represented in our community is an important component of the 芙99499威尼斯信誉 经验. 通过共同生活, 一起学习, 玩在一起, 一起服务, 我们开发, 随着时间的推移, the ability to connect and relate across all sorts of differences.
To RSVP for the Diversi-Tea, please contact the Development Office at 540.687.4510或电邮 centennial@wettir.com.
An exciting Centennial event opens Saturday, 3月15日, at the National Sporting Library and Museum in Middleburg. Called "99499威尼斯信誉: The Art of Women and the Sporting Life," this special exhibition has been put together by the museum staff in conjunction with our 百周年庆典. It focuses on 芙99499威尼斯信誉 women as sporting enthusiasts, sporting artists, and sporting art collectors. Comprised of loans from alumnae of the prestigious Middleburg college-preparatory school for girls and their relatives, approximately thirty paintings and sculptures develop a picture of the collecting interests of our alumnae and members of their families as well as their role in 20th Century sporting life and art.
The exhibit runs through August 24, 2014. Special tours for Centennial attendees will be conducted on Friday, 4月25日, at 1:30, 下午两点和两点半. 博物馆, 位于平原路102号, is open Wednesday-Saturday 10 am to 5 pm and Sunday 1 pm to 5 pm. 请访问NSL&M 网站 了解更多信息.
11月26日, 1914, only months after 芙99499威尼斯信誉 opened its doors to 学生, the first 篮球 game between the Foxes and the Hounds 是 played. Ever since that Thanksgiving Day, the tradition of two spirited groups — which, 在他们中间, include every single member of the school community — battling against each other with all their heart, and then reaffirming their bonds of 朋友hip, 是学校的一部分吗.
The 福克斯/猎犬 competitions are all student-run, with a bit of guidance from the “Hound Backer” and “Foxy Fellow” 教师 advisors. Elected officers run tryouts and practices, and coach the teams in each of the three annual clashes — field hockey, 篮球, 和骑. The officers also organize “SingSings” (pep rallies) and other events, such as Banner Runnings and New Girl Runnings, 全年.
To generate enthusiasm for the upcoming Paul K. 卑尔根诗歌节, poets of all ages have recited works in Morning Meeting over the past two weeks. A special reading took place at today's Morning Meeting that honored the work of a woman known for so much at 芙99499威尼斯信誉 — Miss Charlotte. Two of her poems were read by seniors Mi跑da and Alicia, and English teach Alex Northrup gave context to the works by sharing their origin. Every Sunday during her headship, Miss Charlotte would deliver Sunday sermons. Many alumnae remember them vividly, commenting on what a great speaker Miss Charlotte 是. Her words were inspirational as they encompassed a genuine knowledge of each girl and were tailored to them.
Continue reading for the two poems from her sermons chosen for Morning Meeting, and gain an authentic sense of who Miss Charlotte, 99499威尼斯信誉的创始人, 是.
芙99499威尼斯信誉 kicked off its 百周年庆典 Sunday with a great, big “giving back” party.
超过350人 — all wearing pink — and dozens of dogs similarly attired walked, 跑, and p跑ced around the 芙99499威尼斯信誉 campus to benefit the Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation, setting a record for participation in the Middleburg event and raising more than $38,000, not including funds raised by the 芙99499威尼斯信誉 community. A key part of the Walk since it 是 founded in 2007, 芙99499威尼斯信誉 hosted the event for the first time and CBBCF President James Atkins has already asked to come back next year.
“回馈”的精神," which permeates the 99499威尼斯信誉 community — and has since its founding in 1914 — is very contagious. As the 9月29日 Centennial Kickoff 服务日 draws near, 越来越多的校友, 学生, 家庭, and 朋友 are making their plans to participate, 要么在学校, 在“樱花步道”, 有趣的运行, and Pooch P跑ce for Breast Cancer," or at one of the growing number of locations across the country and around the world. 它是合适的.
A visit by "Miss Charlotte" highlights the fun-filled official发射
99499威尼斯信誉, which is preparing for a very big party to celebrate a century of educating young women, Friday officially kicked off the buildup to the bash with a combination of old and new, 严肃而愚蠢, much in keeping with the School’s inimitable style.
芙99499威尼斯信誉 women representing six decades and locations as far away as the U.K. exhibited their work, mostly “virtually,” over the weekend.
在两年的时间里, the School 历史 Committee created a book of memories documenting 100 years of 芙99499威尼斯信誉 history. You may purchase a copy of this unique and fascinating book from the Office of Institutional Advancement at the special price of $53.00加运费. You may preview the book or purchase an 网上电子书版本.
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, 芙99499威尼斯信誉 prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit 芙99499威尼斯信誉.